Being a landlord comes with its advantages and disadvantages.
You’re able to explore new areas and build your property portfolio, but it’s vital you stay organised when you work for yourself.
No matter how experienced you are, investing in a letting agent gives you the peace of mind that everything surrounding your property is being looked after – including payments and maintenance.
Here at EasyLet Residential, we offer let-only and full management packages for landlords in the North-West. But how do you know which one is right for you?
Today we’ll list the benefits of each, so you can decide which letting agent option is right for you.
Let Only
Our let-only service is the ideal option if you’re struggling to manage your list of properties, but want to maintain your hands-on approach as a landlord.
When you come to EasyLet Residential, your letting agent will:
- organise viewings
- market and advertise your property
- complete tenant reference and credit checks
- collect the first month’s rent and deposit
- coordinate the move
- draw up and sign the tenancy agreements
Being the more affordable option we have to offer, a let-only package is perfect if you’re trying to keep outgoings to a minimum.
Full Management Package
For landlords that don’t mind handing over more responsibility to a letting agent, we offer a full management package.
Our letting agents will take care of every aspect of property management, including all features of a let-only service in addition to all the following benefits:
- accompanied viewings
- carry out reference checks
- prepare tenancy agreements
- notify the local council and energy suppliers of the new tenancy
- contact tradesmen when there are maintenance issues
- collect monthly rent payments
- inspect the property regularly to ensure the building is being taken care of properly
- arrange renewal agreements
Which one do I need?
The type of letting agent you need depends on how much assistance you feel you require when it comes to managing your properties.
If you’d still like to speak directly to your tenants, a let-only service is the one for you. You’re still able to manage the property and build trusting relationships with tenants, but you can leave all the paperwork and property maintenance to us.
A full management package is advised for those who want to focus on building their portfolio or don’t yet have the confidence to manage a property alone. It’s also perfect if you’ve been in the field for a while and simply don’t have the time to deal with unhappy tenants or late rent payments.
Don’t worry if you’re still not sure which option is best for you – just fill out our contact form with your questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Get your letting agent with EasyLet Residential today
Everyone needs a helping hand every now and again, which is why we provide experienced and friendly letting agents to landlords in the North-West.
Nip into our Warrington office today to chat through your options over a cuppa, or get in touch today to learn more about how a letting agent can help you.
Give us a call on 01925 633011 or send us an email at to enquire and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.