Getting your foot in the landlord door can be tricky.
There are already a large number of people in the field, with years’ worth of experience and a big list of useful contacts.
Yes, it’s good to be a confident and charming salesperson in the world of property, but you need to let the buildings do the talking.
Here we’ll be talking through some of the easiest ways you can build up your portfolio to increase your likelihood of successful lets and build a trusting relationship with existing and future tenants.
Start simple
Although a new business venture can be an exciting prospect, it’s important not to dive in headfirst.
Starting out with a more basic house or flat that doesn’t need much work done to it can help you get on the ladder a lot quicker. Think simple layouts, functioning amenities and a good location.
All of these things are appealing to a wide audience, so there’ll be no waiting around for a potential let.
Start local
With your first property venture, it’s advised you start in an area you’re used to.
This way, you’ll be aware of attractions like schools, shops and transport, as well as local tradespeople who can help you out during any renovations.
Having knowledge of the area means you’ll be able to advertise the property accurately.
EasyLet Residential are based in Warrington and provide letting agents to both new and experienced landlords. Get in touch now to ensure a smooth start to your landlord venture.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help
Seeking out advice from landlords, letting agents and other people in the industry is a quick and helpful way of learning about the world of property.
A handy option is to look into online groups or forums. You can ask questions, learn about new strategies and get to know other landlords.
If you don’t know anyone in the field or are struggling to find like-minded people in your area, fill out our online enquiry form today. Simply fill in your details and put any of your questions in the comments box and one of our experts will be in touch to help you out.
Stay positive
Last but not least, remain hopeful. It can be difficult if you’re putting lots of work into building something up, but don’t let it get you down if things don’t happen as quickly as you’d like them to.
Keep working and advertising to the best of your ability.
If it’s still not working out, ask for reviews of each possible tenant who views your property. This can give you an insight into what you need to do to secure a let.
Need more tips? Give EasyLet a call today!
Interested in becoming a landlord but don’t know where to start? We have a team of experienced letting agents here at EasyLet Residential who are on hand to offer their help and advice to up and coming landlords in the Warrington area.
If you have any further questions about being a landlord or our current services, give us a call on 01925 633011 to speak to us directly. Email us if you prefer, at and one of our team will be in touch as quickly as they can.